Bald Pussy Invited By The Boss! A Threesome Feast Of Sexual Frenzy!【R18】 French Porn

Bald Pussy Invited By The Boss! A Threesome Feast Of Sexual Frenzy!【R18】  French Porn

Davis slapped him on the back and said, “Glad to have you aboard, Vance, of course our little Monday morning meetings are kept strictly confidential, so if you have any questions, Hannah Torrez is in the office next to yours, just give her a buzz and she'll fill you in on everything you need to know!!!”

Vance practically stumbled back to his new office, wondering for all the world if he had make a gigantic mistake in coming to Chicago!!! He stopped in front of his new office, rubbing his hand lightly over the engraved brass name plate that hung on the outside of his door, VANCE HAWKINS, it read in large bold letters, “Maybe things would work out after all,” he said to himself as he pushed open the door and entered his newly furnished office, “but I certainly won't be telling Missy about our Monday morning meetings!!!” He tossed his coat onto an empty chair and was just about ready to sit down at his large oak desk, when a small feminine voice coming from behind him said softly, “I just want to welcome you on board personally, I hope you don't mind!!!” Vance spun around to see who was behind him, and much to his surprise, Hannah Torrez was sitting in a large stuffed chair with her legs spread wide apart and her very puffy vagina staring him right in the face!!!

“W-what do you want,” he stammered while unable to take his eyes off of Hannah Torrez' bulging shaved pussy!?! “You men are so silly,” she said in a slightly condescending voice, “isn't it quite evident what I want, I want to you to suck my pussy for me, you're not going to be a disappointment are you!?!” “Holy smokes,” he said to himself, “what in the hell is going on around here, doesn't anyone ever get any work done!?!” He was snapped back to reality when Hannah asked again, but this time with more urgency, “Well, are you gonna suck it or not, cuz if you're not, I'm gonna hafta jerk off right in front of you!!!” “Uh, look, Miss Torrez,” he stumbled, “I don't think that this is appropriate behavior between colleagues!!!” “Fuck appropriate,” she retorted sharply, “I need a good cunt lapping, and if you're not up to it, just say so and stop wasting my time!!!” He wanted to run from the room and go straight home to his lovely Missy, but the incredibly arousing vagina of Hannah Torrez was just too much for him, and seconds later he found himself on the floor tonguing the most succulent pussy he had ever tasted!!!

“Mmmmmmm, that's a good boy,” she sighed as he let his tongue roam along her wet slit, “I could tell from the way you filled Marie's mouth that you would be good for my pussy, and I have to say that I was absolutely right, you are a cunt lapper supreme!!!” Vance was now being drawn in by this Latina vixen, and even though he tried not to, his pecker had become as hard as the finest piece of steel ever produced in Gary, Indiana!!! “Ooooooolala,” she moaned as her pussy exploded in a stunning string of orgasms that left her breathless, if not speechless, “you make Hannah's chocha feel so nice, are you hard for her, cuz she needs your hard pecker!?!” He quickly stood up, and in one motion pulled down his pants and under shorts, leaving his hard dick standing proudly in front of the hot little bitch's hot pussy!!! “Ohhhhhh,” she sighed while giving him a mini hand job, “mama's gonna love this!!!” Vance's legs trembled slightly as Hannah Torrez gave his hard cock a nice long suck, but it was short lived, because seconds later, she was feeding his manhood directly into her Spanish fuck slot!!! “Oooooomph,” she grunted as his thickness filled her to the brim, “you are a very talented young man, Mr. Hawkins,” the blonde replied with a big white toothed smile, “he's expecting you in the conference room for the regular Monday morning meeting!!! After receiving directions to the conference room, Vance wandered back to the rear of the office complex, thanking his lucky stars for this new opportunity!!! Vance stopped in front of the closed conference room door, straightened his tie, and with a slight bit of trepidation, opened the door and stepped inside!!! “Hello, Vance,” Miles Davis said while rising out of his chair at the head of the table, “listen up everyone,” he continued on, “this is the new systems guy we just hired and I want you all to make him feel at home!!!” Vance couldn't even remember taking the hand of one of the men closest to him an shaking it, he was too far in a state of shock to remember much of anything, because as she stood there with his mouth hanging open, the ten men and three women sitting at the large conference room table were calmly masturbating as if it was the most casual thing in the world!!! Vance tried not to stare, but it was impossible not to when ten men had their cocks out and were smoothly jerking them like there was no tomorrow, and the three ladies had their dresses hike up above their waists and calmly fingering their dripping pussies!!!

Trying in vain to think of something to say, Miles Davis offered softly, “Kinda caught you off guard, huh, well, every Monday morning we all get together and let our hair down, so to speak, we find that it relaxes and prepares for the coming week!!!” Vance was about to reply, but he was interrupted by a fortyish blonde woman who all of a sudden let out with a low groan as a hard orgasm pulsated through her wide open pussy!!! All around the table both the men and women congratulated her on her fine climax, which was soon followed up by three of the men ejaculating their loads all over the table in front of them!!! Vance still hadn't said a word since he had entered the room, and his tongue was still tied when Mr.

Hentai: [Shirota Kurota] Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】

Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 1Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 2Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 3Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 4Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 5Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 6Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 7Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 8Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 9Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 10Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 11Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 12Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 13Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 14Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 15Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 16Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 17Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 18Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 19Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 20Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 21Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 22Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 23Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 24Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 25Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 26Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 27Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 28Invited by the boss! A threesome feast of sexual frenzy!【R18】 29

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